Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wherein we get this show on the road

I was told to pick a topic for my blog for opinion writing. I decided on sports and entertainment because it's easy. And I can knock out rants about how the Chargers suck and Jay Leno's a bad person without thinking about it.

And I'm lazy.

I was told:

Sports and entertainment!?! What? Come on.


Man, you’d have some great observations on this funny little town and the people you see around you. Comment on it. Find issues among it. Find things that riles you and piss you off. Things that you just can’t stand to let go unnoticed. And things that speak to bigger things.

Because that sounds like work. It would require effort and the expenditure of calories. And besides, I'm lazy.

Besides, at the moment I don't have anything to write about. Nothing going on in and around town, I mean. What am I going to write about? The homeless? It's been done. And done. And done.

What I've got worth ranting about is my utter lack of money. I don't have money because I don't know if I've got a job.

See, here's what happened:

I got a job working overnight at a hotel. I was "security/night audit." Basically, I showed up at 10:30 and baby-sat the hotel until 6:30 in the morning. Which was the perfect job for me.

People show up? Park their car, haul their bags to their rooms. Lock the doors at midnight-ish, pass out the newspapers, slide the bill under the door. Otherwise? I sat on the couch, watching tv, surfing the web.

Anytime I was bothered, I was secure in the knowledge that I'd at least get a couple bucks in tips for my trouble.

Perfect job for me, because why? Because I'm lazy. That's why.

Then I was told that a guy at another hotel needed help. Was desperate for help. They used that word: DESPERATE. FOR HELP.

So I go, on a Monday, to see the manager. And I wait, in the lobby, for 30 minutes, to talk to the man who I'm told is DESPERATE. FOR HELP.

We talk for 20 minutes. It seems to go well. He has to interview another guy the next day but I've pretty much got it, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, don't worry, call on Wednesday.

I call on Wednesday. I call TWICE on Wednesday. I leave a message, twice, on Wednesday.

He calls on Thursday. "Hey Ant, just to let you know, we don't need you after all, sorry."

Well. Alrighty then. Glad I called.

It is now two weeks later. Two weeks of me not working and not earning money later. And I'm not on the schedule for the place I was perfectly happy working at before THEY came to ME and asked me to lend a hand to the guy who was DESPERATE. FOR HELP.

My landlord does not like this story. My landlord's response to this story: "So when can I cash the check for January's rent? Also February is soon."

I'll think of something worth writing about for next week. Not tonight, though: I'm lazy.

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